Our team
Meet your financial wellness coaches
In our twenty-plus years of offering financial advice, we’ve seen a thing or two. People who are publicly successful – medical specialists and small-business owners especially – are often privately stressed about money. How can they be making so much money and have so little to show for it? Sure, they take nice vacations, drive nice cars and perhaps even send their kids to private school. But on a monthly basis they’re feeling pinched. And their private net worth (assets minus liabilities) does not reflect their public lifestyle.
We help clients tame the financial tiger, balancing current lifestyle with the creation of long-term wealth. We help clients align their financial choices with their deeply held values and their most important goals.
We accomplish this through our unique wealth management process – the Financial Empowerment Journey.
With it, we’ll put you on a path toward achieving all of your financial goals so you can spend more time focusing on what’s important – living your best life, enjoying your friends and family, and making a difference for the people and causes you care about.
Who we are
Brian K. Stallcop, CFP®
When I was in junior high school, my mom sent me to the store to pick up some groceries. Instead of cash, she sent me with food stamps. This was before the days of the pre-loaded debit cards. I had to hand the cashier these white and brown coupons from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and it was mortifying. We had our reasons – my parents had recently split up, my mom was going back to school and my dad was temporarily unemployed. But I promised myself that day that I would never be poor again.
I was poor, for a while, as a starving college student and as I started my career. But I was determined that my future would be bigger than my past. I became a student of wealth creation and started to apply the lessons to my own life. In my late thirties, when I was ready to change careers, it was only natural that I gravitated to financial planning.
Is your future bigger than your past? If so, you’re exactly the kind of person I love working with at Sherpa Wealth Strategies. I’ve always had a growth and abundance mindset, and I love helping people create a bigger future for themselves and their families.
That bigger future doesn’t happen by accident. I help people gain clarity on their goals and the values that drive them. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and financial wellness coach, I help people create their plan and stay on track over the years. It’s really rewarding!
Who we are
Erin L. Weber, CFP®, CSRIC®
After a long and successful career in corporate sales, I had to ask myself who I was really helping. Was I making the world a better place? The answer, sadly, was no.
In 2019 I decided to find a path that would allow me to build long-lasting relationships while guiding people along the path toward financial independence.
I joined Sherpa Wealth Strategies to help families make the most of their financial resources along their journey toward a more secure future. I became a CSRIC® so I could show clients how to take advantage of opportunities in environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investing. I am also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™.
Helping people invest in a way that aligns with their values. That’s the future I’m creating for my clients, and for myself.
Who we are
Ben Peden
Financial Planner
Growing up as a Chinese adoptee in a family of eight, my unique background has profoundly shaped my perspective on life and the financial planning industry. Straddling two cultures, I have come to deeply value the importance of diverse family dynamics and their impact on financial decision-making. My upbringing instilled in me an appreciation for financial stability and the transformative power of thoughtful planning for the future.
My passion for financial planning is rooted in personal experience. I realized early on that personal finance was not widely taught—neither during my childhood nor in college. Witnessing peers and students struggle to understand and manage their financial situations highlighted the need for accessible, practical financial guidance. This realization inspired me to become a trusted resource for individuals and families seeking clarity and confidence in their financial journeys.
With a degree in Personal Financial Planning from Central Washington University, I bring a unique perspective and a commitment to delivering holistic financial solutions. My goal is to make a lasting impact by empowering individuals and families to build legacies of financial security and stability, ensuring brighter futures for generations to come.
Who we are
Melissa Jones
Administrative Manager
From the moment I walked in the door I felt at home and a part of the Sherpa Wealth Strategies family.
My background is in newspapers and printing. I’m a native Oregonian with a degree in Journalism from the University of Oregon. Before returning to Oregon in 2021, I worked for nine years at a large printing company in Boise, Idaho. During my time as a pre-press manager, I developed skills in managing workflows, organization, communication and problem solving. I can juggle multiple priorities and projects under tight deadlines. I have a friendly nature and feel that I am helpful in my approach to our clients’ needs.
Please call me if you need to schedule an appointment, make deposits or withdrawals from your accounts, or for any paperwork related issues.
When I’m not at work, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Scott, and my labrador, Mona. I love to hike, garden, read and dabble in acrylic landscape painting on canvas.
Who we are
Judy Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Hi! I’m Judy Johnson and I recently retired as the Administrative Manager of Sherpa Wealth Strategies. I am still on the payroll as a part-time Administrative Assistant for special projects and vacation replacement.
My background is in business and finance. I’ve worked in banking, insurance, the boat-building industry in my native New England, as well as working in finance at an art museum and being the co-founder of an art fabrication business. And that was all before I moved to Oregon!
I’ve lived here in Bend for long enough to be considered an Oregonian. I love the open spaces, the mountains, the desert, the forests, the coast, but mostly I love the friendliness of the people here.
I’ve been a part of Sherpa Wealth Strategies since 2012 and I value the many friendships I have developed with our wonderful clients.
Who we are
The Furnancial Advisors




Who we are
Brian K. Stallcop, CFP®

When I was in junior high school, my mom sent me to the store to pick up some groceries. Instead of cash, she sent me with food stamps. This was before the days of the pre-loaded debit cards. I had to hand the cashier these white and brown coupons from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and it was mortifying. We had our reasons – my parents had recently split up, my mom was going back to school and my dad was temporarily unemployed. But I promised myself that day that I would never be poor again.
I was poor, for a while, as a starving college student and as I started my career. But I was determined that my future would be bigger than my past. I became a student of wealth creation and started to apply the lessons to my own life. In my late thirties, when I was ready to change careers, it was only natural that I gravitated to financial planning.
Is your future bigger than your past? If so, you’re exactly the kind of person I love working with at Sherpa Wealth Strategies. I’ve always had a growth and abundance mindset, and I love helping people create a bigger future for themselves and their families.
That bigger future doesn’t happen by accident. I help folks gain clarity on their goals and the values that drive them. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, I help people create their plan and stay on track over the years. It’s really rewarding!
Who we are
Erin L. Weber, CFP®, CSRIC®

After a long and successful career in corporate sales, I had to ask myself who I was really helping. Was I making the world a better place? The answer, sadly, was no.
So in 2019 I decided to find a path that would allow me to combine my passions for helping people and healing the planet. I joined Sherpa Wealth Strategies to help families make the most of their financial resources to create a more secure future. And I became a Chartered SRI Counselor so I could help clients take advantage of opportunities in environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investing.
Helping people, healing the planet. That’s the future I’m creating for my clients, and for myself.
Who we are
Melissa Jones, Administrative Manager

From the moment I walked in the door I felt at home and a part of the Sherpa Wealth Strategies family.
My background is in newspapers and printing. I’m a native Oregonian with a degree in Journalism from the University of Oregon. Before returning to Oregon in 2021, I worked for nine years at a large printing company in Boise, Idaho. During my time as a pre-press manager, I developed skills in managing workflows, organization, communication and problem solving. I can juggle multiple priorities and projects under tight deadlines. I have a friendly nature and feel that I am helpful in my approach to our clients’ needs.
Please call me if you need to schedule an appointment, make deposits or withdrawals from your accounts, or for any paperwork related issues.
When I’m not at work, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Scott, and my labrador, Mona. I love to hike, garden, read and dabble in acrylic landscape painting on canvas.
Who we are
Ben Peden,
Financial Planning Assistant

Growing up as a Chinese adoptee in a family of eight, my unique background has given me a distinct perspective on life and on the financial planning industry. Straddling two cultures, I understand the importance of diverse family dynamics and values. My journey has equipped me with a deeper sense of empathy and understanding. Additionally, my experience growing up in a large family has taught me the value of financial stability and planning for the future.
As a recent graduate of Central Washington University with a degree in personal financial planning I am eager to begin my journey. My graduation marks the beginning of an exciting and rewarding chapter, where I can leverage my expertise and unique perspective to help our team deliver holistic financial planning. I am determined to create a positive impact and empower individuals and families to build a legacy of financial security that transcends generations. Together, let us embark on a journey of financial empowerment, where dreams are realized, challenges are overcome, and a brighter future awaits.
Who we are
Judy Johnson,
Administrative Assistant

Hi! I’m Judy Johnson and I recently retired as the Administrative Manager of Sherpa Wealth Strategies. I am still on the payroll as a part-time Administrative Assistant for special projects and vacation replacement.
My background is in business and finance. I’ve worked in banking, insurance, the boat-building industry in my native New England, as well as working in finance at an art museum and being the co-founder of an art fabrication business. And that was all before I moved to Oregon!
I’ve lived here in Bend for long enough to be considered an Oregonian. I love the open spaces, the mountains, the desert, the forests, the coast, but mostly I love the friendliness of the people here.
I’ve been a part of Sherpa Wealth Strategies since 2012 and I value the many friendships I have developed with our wonderful clients.
Who we are
Furnancial Advisors




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