Blog: Sherpa’s Pathways to Prosperity
Referrals From Other Professionals: A Smart Way To Grow Your Practice
Perhaps the most powerful way to build a highly successful high-net worth practice is to generate referrals from other professionals. The reason: While other referral methods might help you attract a large number of clients, referrals from other professionals are how many of us get our best wealthy clients.
Could Your Family Have An Affluenza Problem?
Significant wealth sometimes creates significant problems among the children of the affluent—who might assume money gives them a “get out of jail free card (figuratively and literally). Discover how to address the growing issue of affluenza in kids.
Valuing Your Business – An Entrepreneurial Best Practice
Getting a formal business valuation done can be a smart move for many reasons—especially if you’re planning to sell your company in the near future. But how do you choose the best valuation method for your situation—and come up with a number you can trust?
Should You Un-Retire?
Many people who have retired
to start their “golden years” are choosing to jump back into the workforce. Discover why—and the potential impact of un-retiring on your financial picture.
Making Multi-Generational Living Work For All Involved
Increasingly, family members of different generations are choosing to live together—driven by a rekindled desire for the type of family closeness that has faded in recent decades. Discover what multi-generational living is all about.
Don’t Let These Financial Surprises Trip You Up
Unexpected expenses or financial developments can be frustrating—as well as potentially hazardous to your future. Make sure you’re not putting yourself in a position to get an unwanted financial surprise!
ESG: Pros And Cons Of Values-Based Portfolios
Investments that reflect people’s beliefs about the environment, social change and how businesses govern themselves have become increasingly popular—especially among affluent investors. Is it time to consider using a values-based approach to your own wealth management efforts?
Using Cadence To Move Forward And Stay On Track
Generating success—in business and in life—on a consistent basis requires moving in the right direction at a pace that gets you to your goals on time. When you develop the right cadence for you, your team and your goals, you position yourself for great outcomes—time and time again.
Monk Mode The Power of Focused Intensity
How often do distractions pull you away from your quest to reach major meaningful goals—in your life, your work or both? Discover a process that can empower you to ignore life’s annoyances and do the work needed to achieve big breakthroughs.
What Type Of Buyer Should You Sell Your Company To?
If you expect to sell your business—either soon or years from now—it makes sense to consider whether it would be best to sell to a strategic buyer or a financial buyer. Discover more about how these two categories of buyers could play an important
part in how much you get for your company.
Take Care Of Heirs And Charities With A Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable remainder trusts can enable you to support charities that matter to you as well as take financial care of heirs and loved ones. These trusts can also cut down on your tax bill. Check out the ABCs of CRTs!
Social Media: Protecting Your Mental Health Online—And Off
It’s well known that too much exposure to social
media can be mentally and even physically harmful.
But reducing our usage of this ever-present
part of today’s society is easier said than done.
Here are some tips to help safeguard your
kids—and yourself—from too much social media.