Blog: Sherpa’s Pathways to Prosperity
The (E) in ESG
The “E” in ESG There are a lot of different terms for responsible investing. SRI stands for Socially Responsible Investing, or Sustainable, Responsible and Impact investing or some combination of the two. There’s also green investing, values-based investing and ESG...
How to know if you need an app, financial advisor or Certified Financial Planner®
As a young adult in the 1980s, I was interested in investing and wanted to become a millionaire. This was pre-Internet so I scoured Money magazine, called the 800 numbers listed in the ads and set up several mutual fund accounts. In the 1990s I had a little more money...
The ABC’s of 529 College Savings Plans
The ABCs of 529 Plans May 29 is 529 day! 529 college savings plans are the most popular way to set aside money for college tuition. So what is a 529 and how does it work? A 529 plan allows folks – parents, grandparents, family friends – to save and invest money to pay...
What is Sustainable Investing?
Sustainable Investing (SRI) Sustainable investing sounds great, doesn’t it? But what actually is it? Investing in green energy? Organic-farming? Electric vehicles? There are many terms that refer to sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) -- values-based...
Tax Arbitrage in Your Sixties
Tax Arbitrage in Your Sixties Your sixties are the very best time to defuse the tax time-bomb ticking away in your IRAs and 401(k)s. If you’re like many of our clients, you’ve diligently contributed to your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement account for years....
Secrets of The Modest Millionaire
One of my first clients was a retired auto mechanic for the local city government. “Ron” repaired police cars and snowplows for a living. He never made more than $20,000 per year over his long career. Ron worked hard, spent less than he earned and consistently...
Using Your Net Worth to Keep Score
Using Your Net Worth to Keep Score Your net worth is a simple but important calculation – it’s everything you own, minus everything you owe. Your net worth (or balance sheet) is a snapshot in time. Your net worth today might be a little more or less than your net...