Sherpa Wealth Strategies Financial Planner in Bend, Oregon

Blog: Sherpa’s Pathways to Prosperity

Optimize Your Business Relationships

Optimize Your Business Relationships

What might happen in your business if more people were actively invested in your success? When you strengthen and optimize your relationships with key people, you set yourself up to pursue superior results—and an amazing life of significance.

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Are Promotions Passé?

Are Promotions Passé?

Promoting employees has long been a primary way for entrepreneurs to attract, engage and retain top talent. But “climbing the ladder of success” isn’t nearly as appealing to many workers as it once was. The good news: There are alternatives to promotions that can enable you to develop your people and get the most from them.

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Navigate the Complexities of Tax-Loss Harvesting

Navigate the Complexities of Tax-Loss Harvesting

Selling beaten-down investments can potentially help you mitigate capital gains and income taxes. But getting the most from this strategy requires some care and consideration of a variety of factors. Discover whether tax-loss harvesting should be part of your plan.

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Do You Have The Right People On Your Team

Do You Have The Right People On Your Team

Surrounding yourself with great team members is crucial to the success of many entrepreneurs. But what does a truly committed team member look like—and how can you elevate your people to higher levels of both skill and personal investment in your business? This report shows you the path.

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