Sherpa Wealth Strategies Financial Planner in Bend, Oregon

Blog: Sherpa’s Pathways to Prosperity

You Failed. Here Is What To Do Next

You Failed. Here Is What To Do Next

Failure is an inevitable part of life—personally and professionally. But it’s how you respond to failure that largely determines whether you’ll be successful going forward. Check out this seven-step process for “autopsying” failed ventures that self-made billionaires use to get back in the game.

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Helping Children Who Fail To Launch

Helping Children Who Fail To Launch

Many young adults today who find it tough to transition to the next stage of their lives are seeking comfort and shelter in their childhood homes—with their parents. Here’s a look at some key issues around the challenge of adult kids failing to launch—and action steps you can take to help your kids or grandkids strike out on their own.

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Should You Have a Family Bank?

Should You Have a Family Bank?

When family matriarchs and patriarchs are formally set up to effectively loan money to their
heirs for important purposes like education and entrepreneurship, they can potentially create stronger family legacies—as well as generate new
wealth. Discover the advantages that a family bank could bring to your family.

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